We returned to Puerto Cabezas late last night. Today wasn’t very eventful as far as trip highlights go, but it was a critical day of documenting our work and technical processes so that those students and advisers who come after us in Nicaragua and the Collaboratory Water Group will be well prepared to continue the work. Documentation may be one of the most mundane but important life skills the Collaboratory teaches; to set others up for success.
I am proud of our students as I watch them make lemonade out of lemons throughout this trip. It encourages me and validates my work with the Collaboratory to see creative culturally and technically appropriate solutions to challenging problems including a last minute design change in the water filtration system, which is now complete and coordinating with community leaders an equitable distribution of a limited number of water filters in the indigenous communities of Pineras and Awas Tingni.
It has been encouraging to see that we can be a small part of “real” progress, spiritual, relational, and physical, in Nicaragua, as we partner with the local church. Our part is small in the sense that our church partners from Verbo Church are here for the long-hull, to offer daily encouragement and teaching to those in need. It has been a privilege to work side-by-side with these enduring workers of Christ.
Hey Guys, we've been checking in on you to see how things have gone. You've been in our prayers! The knock knock jokes have continued...I firmly believe that people over 18 remember exactly two knock knock jokes, the banana/orange one and the boo-who one.
ReplyDeleteSending love and prayers from Portland,
Mark, Jenni, Tate and Theo