Friday, May 20, 2011

Day One

“A true spirituality cannot be constructed, built, or put together; it has to be recognized in the daily life of people who search together to do God’s will in the world.” (Henri Nouwen, “Gracias)  How we desire to attain true spirituality, to grow in this way, as we meet, interact with, and learn from the people here on the east side of Nicaragua.
Today was our first full day in Puerto Cabezas!  The day began very early as some of us were still functioning on EDT.  We were able to get to bed by 9 pm the night before, so 5 am really did seem like 7 am.  This was especially true in the men’s dorm where Grant, who didn’t set his clock to Nica time, was in charge of waking everyone up.  Fortunately Max set everyone straight.  I’m not sure, but I think that Tony and Jared slept through the whole thing.
After the good night’s sleep the group was able to come up with a possible substitute to our missing tank using available items.  Tomorrow Grant and Zac will head up putting together the new apparatus and preparing the area for the connection of the filters to the water system.
We had a tour of the compound and saw the progress on the new dormitory for the orphanage.  It has come a long way from last May when all that was there was the footers which were poured the week before we arrived.  Our tour ended at Jeff and Kris Thompson’s house (FEI missionaries) where we sat out the first good rainstorm Puerto Cabezas has seen this season.  The season has been too dry lately which means crops suffer and wells become dry.  This rain was a blessing, bringing with it the promise of food and water.
We did our first water lessons today with the oldest (ages 14 and up) children today.  Karisa organized us into three teams for the mini lessons for our 31 students. She, Jared and Bethany led the water cycle group; Grant, Zac, and Tony worked with the filter introduction, and Lindsey, Sandy, and Ariela helped the children use microscopes.  Max and Sandy recorded these moments on camera so that we will be able to share them with you.
Our day concluded with a Thursday night service at El Verbo Church and devotions back at our porch.  As you pray for our team, please remember the many staff people who make our stay comfortable and safe.  Here are a few names of those who have touched our lives so far:  Jeff, Kris, Kristina, Nuvia, Selsi, John, Pastor Earl and Damaris. 
Thank you for journeying with us!
Ariela (for the team)


  1. Thank you for sharing about the classes. I look forward to seeing the video. We are praying. It is good to hear about the possible substitute for the tank.

  2. We're thankful for your safe arrival, the beginning education classes with children and the creative minds and talent of the team to meet the first challenges of your journey! May God continue to bless & keep you safe and healthy! Enjoy your weekend!
